2015 | Saudi Arabia | Education, employment & entrepreneurship | Social-economic development

Study on foreign labor in the Saudi labor market

Context & objectives :

Small and medium-sized cities in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia have unemployment rates higher than the national average of 11.5% in 2013. As a result of the various "Saudization" strategies for youth employment and Women (included in the 10th Plan), the Ministry of Employment is now seeking to stimulate Regional Development and in particular that of intermediate-sized cities. The Ministry of Employment wants to launch a study allowing to (1) carry out a diagnosis allowing to understand the problems of unemployment in these intermediate-sized cities (100m to 500m inhabitants) and (2) to find palliative solutions.

The project strives to :

  • Collect data, representative cities analysis grid.
  • Perform an internet and external diagnosis of employment in cities from 100m to 500m .
  • Identify and analyze action modalities.
  • Develop action plans for pilot cities.

Main achievements & impacts :
  • Analytical grid of cities from 100m to 500m inhabitants
  • Categorization and monograph of pilot cities
  • Surveys and surveys in selected cities
  • Comparative analysis with local and international model cities
  • Initiatives toolbox and corrective actions
  • Public policy and action plan to be undertaken in representative cities

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