2020 | Tunisia | Agriculture & Agribusiness | Financial Services

Opportunity and feasibility study for the creation of a commodities exchange market in Tunisia

Context & objectives:

As part of its strategic plan for the development and modernization of the financial market in Tunisia, the Tunisia Stock Exchange in partnership with Tunisia JOBS wishes to launch a project to structure an agricultural products exchange with olive oil and dates as pilot sectors.Client objectives:Assess the opportunity to create an agricultural products exchange on the target sectors:

  • Conduct an international benchmark and define target options for the commodities exchange
  • Conduct a detailed feasibility study that includes
  • Develop a roadmap with a detailed
  • implementation action plan

Main achievements & impacts

Mobilizing and obtaining the buy-in of all the target value chains players and other stakeholders (service partners and institutions) involved in the processAssessment and validation of the opportunity (main assets, issues and challenges) and definition of the target diagrams of the commodities exchangeDefinition of possible scenarios in terms of organization, governance, legal framework and information system based on benchmarking and assistance in the choice of target scenariosDevelopment of an implementation roadmap over 18 months

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