Feasibility study of index-based agricultural insurance for small farmers and agri MSMEs
Context & objectives:
IFC, the private sector arm of the World Bank Group, promotes sustainable private sector growth and is the largest multilateral provider of financing for private enterprise in emerging markets.One of IFC services is to provide advisory to insurance market players and regulators in Africa. Its main objective is to promote the development of effective and sustainable markets for inclusive insurance, thereby improving access to insurance by groups that are un(der)served by traditional insurance markets. This in turn improves their resilience, encourages private investment and supports economic development. Following an itinitial diagnostic and scoping in Tunisia, IFC hired Matine to conduct a survey of smallholder farmers, agri-MSMEs, and local aggregators within 3 sectors (dates, olives, cereals) and collect information required to identify their key risks, current coping mechanisms, potential insurance solutions, and their appetite for index insurance.