2022 | Tunisia | Education, employment & entrepreneurship | Social-economic development

Design of a jobs/skills repository and transformation of curricula and evaluation framework in four agricultural engineering disciplines

Context & objectives:

IRESA is a Tunisian public institution responsible for promoting agricultural research within the framework of the State's general policy, drawing up agricultural research programs and the budgets required for their implementation, monitoring the execution of these programs and ensuring their evaluation.The institution needed to develop job-skills, training and assessment frameworks in the following four agriculturalengineering disciplines :

  • Rural economics
  • Fisheries
  • Agri-food industries
  • Plant production

Main achievements & impacts
  • Analyze the employment situation and the job market for agricultural engineers
  • Strengthen the capacities of the teaching staff
  • Develop a reference system of jobs and skills for the following disciplines: Rural Economy, Fisheries, Agri-food Industries, Plant Production and Landscape
  • Develop a training and evaluation reference system for each discipline

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