2020 | Tunisia | Education, employment & entrepreneurship | Social-economic development

Preparatory study for the creation of a resource center for the social and solidarity economy in Tunisia

Context & objectives:

The program ""progRESS"", the result of a North-South collaboration between the European Union and Tunisia, was born with the mission to develop the SSE in Tunisia through the positioning of the Resource Center as an autonomous and transversal national SSE ""hub"", pivotal to the establishment of a Tunisian ecosystem, connected with the international in general and the Mediterranean in particular.Client objectives:

  • Carry out a brief diagnosis of the state of the art of SSE in Tunisia,
  • Identify the main institutions and actors involved in the development of SSE at the national and regional levels,
  • International benchmarking relating to the 3 poles: the Observatory, the Workshop and FinSol;

Main achievements & impacts
  • Mapping of the actors of the SSE ecosystem in Tunisia (institutional, private, civil society and financial actors) and identification of their needs, expectations and problems.
  • Analysis of the EHS Regulatory Framework: EHS Law and Current Cooperative, SMSA and Mutual Laws
  • Analysis of the socio-economic situation of Tunisia and the SSE sector
  • Identification of available funding mechanisms for the SSE sector

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