2021 | Tunisia | Public Policy | Education, employment & entrepreneurship

National Employment Strategy Operational Plan and integration into the five-year plan (2021-2025 Five-Year Plan, GBO, Operational Plan)

Context & objectives:

The Social Contract of 2013 marks the will of the Tunisian Government and the social partners to move from a series of active labor market policies to a multidimensional and transversal National Employment Strategy (SNE) covering all the levers likely to create jobs in sufficient quantity and quality and bringing together a large group of actors concerned with employment. Thus, the outline of the SNE was validated by the Council of Ministers in July 2019.Objectives :Integration of the SNE into the 2021-2025 five-year plan while ensuring consistency with other strategies and the GBO performance documents.The inventory of the actions of the various ministries and actors concerned with employment having a link with the NESRealize the operational plan of the SNE as well as its indicators

Main achievements & impacts

Complete mapping of the various employment-related projects / programs / actions.Strategic note for the attention of donors and ministers with recommendations and measures to achieve the objectives of the NES.Draft operational employment actionIntegration of the NES in national planning documents (Five-year plan, GBO).

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